01 SourceDrive:\pathname (the directory from which the INF file was installed)
10 Windows directory. ( => %windir% )
11 System directory. ( => %windir%\system32 ) cf.Win9x/Me => %windir%\system
12 Drivers directory. ( => %windir%\system32\drivers )
17 INF file directory.
18 Help directory.
20 Fonts directory.
21 Viewers directory.
23 Color directory (ICM) (not used for installing printer drivers)
24 Root directory of the system disk. ( ex => C:\ )
25 Shared directory.
30 Root directory of the boot disk. ( "ARC system partition". dirid 24와 다를 수도 있다.)
50 System directory for NT-based operating systems. ( => %windir%\system )
51 Spool directory (not used for installing printer drivers – see Printer Dirids)
52 Spool drivers directory (not used for installing printer drivers)
53 User profile directory
54 Directory where ntldr.exe and osloader.exe are located (NT-based systems only)
55 Print processors directory (not used for installing printer drivers)
-1 Absolute path
* special shell folders. (dirid 16384 ~ 32767)
16406 All Users\Start Menu
16407 All Users\Start Menu\Programs
16408 All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
16409 All Users\Desktop
16415 All Users\Favorites
16419 All Users\Application Data
16422 Program Files
16427 Program Files\Common
16429 All Users\Templates
16430 All Users\Documents
16437 All Users\Documents\My Music
16438 All Users\Documents\My Pictures
49000 %windir%\system32\dllcache
16384 User\Desktop ( = 16385 , 16387 , 16388 , 16394 16396 16399 16413 16414 )
16386 User\Start Menu\Programs
16389 User\My Documents
16390 User\Favorites
16391 User\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
16392 User\Recents
16393 User\SendTo
16395 User\Start Menu
16397 User\My Documents\My Music
16398 User\My Documents\My Video
16410 User\Application Data
16411 User\PrintHood
16412 User\Local Settings\Application Data
Add_File = 12 ; 12 와 10,system32\drivers 는 같은 경로다.
Add_File = 16422,Test ; => C:\Program Files\Test
%11%\aic78xx.sys ; dirid 로 path 연결시에는 dirid 를 % 로 감싸준다.
; 해당 폴더가 존재하지 않으면 새로 생성된다.
; 공백이 포함된 폴더명은 Strings 섹션에 임의의 문자열로 지정후 %문자열% 형식으로 사용.